Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Nuclear Warfare in Ancient India


This short documentary gives rise to controversies among all the archaeologists about the faith in numerous physical proofs of the two greatest epics of Ancient India i.e. Ramayana and Mahabharata. This short documentary gives you a broader view of my first post about Ancient India.

The whole world now believes those times when India was world power with more advance technologies than today and also that the Hindu gods had taken birth on the holy land of India, whenever India faces hard times. The world believes in the power of the three almighty powers i.e. Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva, who created the whole Universe. 

To sum up, here's an excerpt from a beautiful poem by Ruth Peel:
"The source of all movement,
Shiva's dance,
Gives rhythm to the universe.
He dances in evil places,
In sacred,
He creates and preserves,
Destroys and releases.
We are part of this dance
This eternal rhythm,
And woe to us if, blinded
By illusions,
We detach ourselves
From the dancing cosmos,
This universal harmony…"

Hope all my readers love to explore about India. Friends, to improve my articles, I need your suggestion from time to time with the help of your important reviews and also if anyone would like to share something about India on this blog, than you can mail me at sagar92capricorn@gmail.com.

1 comment:

  1. completely sensational!!!!!!!!!!
    first time realizing prestigious feeling of being
    an indian!!!!!!!!!11
